Copywriting for HOUR
During my employement as marketing specialist for slovak company HOUR, I was writing company PR messages, articles, interviews, e-mails, texts for website and varaious texts and claims for the printed promotion materials.
The company HOUR is focusing on developping, implementing and supporting its own information systems and personal software solutions.
I was not only writing the articles and collecting the materials, but also bringing the topics on the table.
Examples of articles:
➡ Nepodceňujte agendu personalistiky, miezd a účtovníctva. Môže byť pre vás kľúčovou
➡ Vzdelávajme zamestnancov. Ideálne systémovo!
➡ Podporujeme aj hodnoty nášho regiónu
➡ Firemná dochádzka: V týchto otázkach by ste mali mať jasno
➡ Čo má spoločné FUTIRIKON a Business Leaders Club? Nás